Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 1

I am going to tell you a little bit about myself. I am 35 years old. I am really deeply into Jesus. I will tell you that up front so you will know where I am coming from. Actually, you still will have no idea where I am coming from because I am a unique person. I really don't know anyone like me, and I think of myself as an objective person. I don't know if that will be your evaluation of me, but I don't care.
I am married and have a son. He is almost 2. There is also one on the way. We are all homeless. We live in a minivan. We have been more or less homeless for 1 year. It's a long story to how we got to this place, and I will not go into all of it here, but I will tell you this, We got here following God. So you could say it was by choice, although a case could be made that we didn't really have a choice, if we really wanted to live.
I love to be creative, as I hope to display here. I like to write fiction,(though this is not) and music. I like people. I don't get along with all of them but I like people. People are amazing. I like to get into people's heads and understand them. I like to connect with people and touch there hearts. I like to see how people react to things. I like to see how different we are, and how alike we are. People are beautiful and dreadful. I want to tap the unseen, unknown beauty and wonder of people. In this quest I have to find ways to not let them drive me crazy.
I saw 2 young men hit by a car yesterday, right outside the coffee shop where my wife and I where talking to a friend. I didn't actually see it happen, but I heard a sound and then turned to see a form lying in the street. Everyone in the shop rushed out to see what happened. When I got out to the street I saw too young men, maybe boys lying in the street, both unresponsive at first then one started to try to move. There where people around each one, trying to help them, but most not really knowing what to do. We all knew to not move them just in case they had back or neck injuries. One was hurt more badly than the other. He was in a semi fetal position laying on his side. I looked down at his face and I saw drops of blood coming from his nose. Nothing else seemed to be bleeding, and I thought to my self "that's a bad sign." Bleeding from the inside of his head, coming out of his nose, I don't know much about these things but I thought that he must be in really bad shape. Most of what I know about such things, I have seen on TV, And i can't help but think that TV has greatly shaped my perception of the event. I don't think i have ever seen anything like that before, yet I have seen it thousands of times on TV and in movies. I found myself thinking “Oh, this IS really what it looks like.” I couldn't really process it all. Maybe that is normal. Maybe people can't process traumatic events at the time of happening. This could be so we can handle them and not go crazy when there are things to do. I also had another idea going through my head. This is one of those situations where I might be able to bring the power of God, and make a big difference. I have heard stories of people being brought back from the dead, though I have never done it. Everyone who has ever brought back someone from the dead, at one time had never done it before. I have thought about what I would do if someone was dead before, and I have healed many people with non less life threatening issues before, but this was neither one. I found myself throne off guard.
The less injured person, started moving around so all the people went to him to try and keep him still and help him. The other was all alone, so I went to him. He let out a low groan and tried to move so I urged him not to. Then I lightly laid my hand on him and began to pray. I prayed healing over his body and prayed against internal injuries. I didn't pray long, I didn't know all that was wrong with him, and the intensity of the situation had me at some what of a loss. After I prayed I looked to see if there was any change. I could detect non, and even though he had moved a little, he was still unresponsive. Soon the EMTs got there and I stepped back from him to give them room to do there work. I saw them put him on the gurney. When they moved his leg, they found it completely broken between his knee and ankle. It flopped around and I could see his leg bone exposed. All the other non medical people had left the street. I alone was left standing a few feet away from the broken young man. I don't know why I stayed. I watched him until I felt something. I felt it; a sadness, or was it and outrage, down inside trying to come forth., as if he had been my brother. I felt it and was glad, but it did not come close enough to me to bring tears to my eyes. Maybe I didn't let it. Finally one of the fire fighters saw me and said “Do you need to be in the middle of the street?” I said no so he told me to go to the side walk. So I did.

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